Monday, May 18, 2020

St. Francis of Assisi - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1132 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/13 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? Saint Francis of Assisi Throughout the history of the Catholic Church, there have been only a few people fortunate and deserving enough of the title of â€Å"saint†. Originally named Giovanni Francesco Bernardone, St. Francis of Assisi is honored as the patron saint of animals and ecology. He lived a life of complete obedience, humility, and poverty. He was a guy who was truly in love with the Lord and wanted to follow in his teachings. He was a man willing to give up his belongings to help those less-fortunate. Despite his death many years ago, his life still continues to have a tremendous influence/impact on the Catholic Church today. Born in Italy in the year 1182, Francis was a determined and very spirited child that any father would be proud of. As a child, he had a lot of good qualities and a lot of wealth which attracted many friends. Growing up, he had planned to pursue a trade following in his father’s footsteps, but due to a vicious public dispute, at about age 20 he stepped away from his father and joined into the military. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "St. Francis of Assisi" essay for you Create order As part of the military during a battle in the year 1201, Francis was taken prisoner of war and held captive for almost an entire year. This event took a toll on his body and he became so sick that he nearly died and it took him several months to recover. This was a crucial turning point that would change the life of St. Francis forever. It was during this period of captivity that, for the first time in his life, he did some serious meditating on the lord. He truly began to fall in love with God at this point. One day after a strange vision, Francis returned to Assisi to care to the sick. After taking a pilgrimage to Rome, Francis had a dream in which God called him to repair his Church. He interpreted this literally as a command to physically repair the Church of San Damiano, a ruined Church near Assisi where he would occasionally go to pray. Therefore, Francis went to the Church with his tools and tried to repair many Churches. Soon, however, Francis would grow into the realization that God wanted him to be an advocate, and eventually a leader, of the Catholic Church by carrying out God’s mission. After a few years, Francis heard a sermon that changed the way he lived his life. The sermon was of Matthew 10:9, in which Christ tells his followers to go out and proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven and not take any money with them. This inspired Francis to live a life of simplicity and apostolic poverty by giving up all his rights and possessions and preaching repentance. A townsman named Bernardo di Quintavalle soon joined Francis in this life of poverty and repentance. Shortly within a year, Francis had about eleven fellow followers and they became somewhat of a brotherhood in Assisi. The bothers lived a very simple life, full of cheer, spending most of their time wandering around Umbria, Italy. Everywhere they traveled, they left a deep impression on all those willing to listen. In about the year 1209, Francis and his eleven followers went to Rome to seek permission to form a new religious order. Reluctantly, Pope Innocent III agreed to informally admit the brotherhood. Over the course of time, the brotherhood increased in size and numbers and eventually became what is known as the Orders of Friars Minor (the first order), more commonly known as the Franciscans. After founding the order, the Franciscans traveled all over Italy preaching for people to live a life of Christ; they emphasized simplicity, poverty, and relying on God’s will. St. Francis’s influence on the Catholic Church did not stop with the foundation of the Order of Friars Minor. In the year 1212 Clara Sciffi, a girl from a noble family in Assisi, became so enriched and mystified by the teachings of Francis that she left her family to join him and his followers. Being the only woman, her dedication to holiness and poverty had inspired the Franciscans to accept her. She was transferred to a convent and after about four years, she founded her own order based on the strict principles of severe poverty set by Saint Francis. This order eventually became known as Poor Clares, or the Order of Poor Ladies (the second Franciscan order). This order quickly began to spread and, as of recent, there are an estimated 20,000 Poor Clare nuns in over 76 countries around the world. Throughout his life, many married men and women wanted to embrace St. Francis’ lifestyle as well. However, due to the fact that they were married, they were not able to enter into the first order, the Friars, or the second order, the Poor Clares. Therefore, as a result, St. Francis founded a secular order in which married men and women could belong to and live by the Gospel. Today, this third order of Franciscans is known as the Secular Franciscan Order. In the year 1982, the Franciscans saw the potential for an effective Franciscan input at the United Nation. By 1989, Franciscans International was recognized as an official non-governmental organization, effectively uniting the voices of the Franciscan brothers and isters around the world. It serves not only Franciscans, but the entire global community as well, by incorporating Franciscan ethical and spiritual values into international organizations. Franciscan International follows in the footsteps of St. Francis and St. Clare, as they attempt to put their ideals into action at an international level. Sadly, the beloved St. Fran cis died on the evening of October 3, 1226. Although born into wealth, his life became one of simplicity, poverty, and humility that became instilled in many. He worked only for God, caring for the poor and unfortunate. Thousands of people were drawn to his eagerness and enthusiasm for a life of Christ. Through his actions, St. Francis sought to demonstrate a life similar to that of the Gospels. He was always able to find God in anything and everything that he did. As St. Francis once said, If you have men who will exclude any of Gods creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who deal likewise with their fellow men. Even after his death, his establishments/foundations continue to keep his name alive and continue to have an influence on Catholicism. Around the world the traditions of St. Francis continue today with Franciscan-run schools, hospitals, shelters, and many other services to help the poor. Bibliography 1. https://www. franciscansinternational. org 2. https://www. newadvent. org/cathen/06217a. htm 3. https://conservation. catholic. org/st__francis_of_assisi. htm 4. https://www. franciscanfriarstor. com/archive/stfrancis/stf_detailed%20biography%20of%20st. %20francis. htm 5. https://www. catholic. org/encyclopedia/view. php? id=4838

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Demora de petición de ciudadano para sus padres

El tiempo de demora en la tramitacià ³n de esta solicitud puede variar desde apenas 6 meses, para los casos en los que no hay problemas migratorios,  a mà ¡s de 10 aà ±os. Incluso a veces es imposible. Solamente los  ciudadanos americanos mayores de 21 aà ±os  pueden pedir la tarjeta de residencia permanente, tambià ©n conocida como green card para su padre y para su madre.   En este artà ­culo se explican las siguientes situaciones, que son las que dan lugar a estas cuatro  diferencias en el tiempo de tramitacià ³n: Padre o madre en Estados Unidos y que puede ajustar su estatusprogenitor en USA pero no puede ajustar estatuspadres fuera del paà ­s sin problemas de inadmisibilidad y padres en otro paà ­s con castigo pendiente. Tambià ©n se explica dà ³nde buscar la à ºltima informacià ³n sobre demoras en la pà ¡gina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y situaciones especiales como cuà ¡ndo un ciudadano jamà ¡s puede pedir a sus padres. Demora de peticià ³n de padre o madre en EEUU y que pueden ajustar su estatus En este caso, se envà ­a la peticià ³n que se realiza mediante la presentacià ³n del formulario I-130 con toda la documentacià ³n adicional. Al mismo tiempo, la I-485, para el ajuste de estatus. USCIS confirma que ha recibido los papeles del I-130 y el cobro de la tarifa mediante el envà ­o de la carta de aviso conocida como NOA1. En esa carta tambià ©n aparece el nà ºmero de caso. Cuando se solicita el ajuste de estatus se puede presentar tambià ©n la peticià ³n de permiso de trabajo y de advance parole que permite viajar fuera del paà ­s, si asà ­ se desea. Es fundamental que una vez que se  inician los trà ¡mites  no se salga de Estados Unidos sin ese permiso para viajar. Los tiempos de tramitacià ³n van a ser dos: primero el de aprobacià ³n del I-130, que es la peticià ³n, que va a depender del lugar de tramitacià ³n.y una vez que se obtiene el OK, se va a proceder  con la solicitud de ajuste de estatus. Es fundamental saber si se puede ajustar el estatus o no. Ahà ­ està ¡ la gran diferencia. Si se puede se està ¡ ante uno de los tipos de peticià ³n de green card mà ¡s rà ¡pidos. Si no se puede, es una pesadilla que puede demorarse aà ±os o, incluso, en la prà ¡ctica resultar imposible porque obliga a la separacià ³n de familias por muchos aà ±os. Antes de enviar los papeles asesorarse con un buen abogado. Demora de peticià ³n de padres en EEUU y que no pueden ajustar estatus Y es que si el papà ¡ o la mamà ¡ para el que se piden los papeles està ¡ ilegalmente en el paà ­s y llegà ³ cruzando ilegalmente la frontera, hay un problema grave ya que no se puede ajustar el estatus. En estos casos aunque se apruebe el I-130 se va a tener que salir del paà ­s para acabar el trà ¡mite. Esto incluye ir a una entrevista en una embajada o consulado de los Estados Unidos en otro paà ­s y aquà ­ va a surgir un problema por la presencia ilegal al aplicarse el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os.   Una vez que se sale de Estados Unidos y se tiene que cumplir ese castigo, en algunos casos se podrà ¡ pedir con à ©xito un perdà ³n. Lo que sà ­ es importante es entender que si se cruza de nuevo ilegalmente la frontera hacia Estados Unidos se va a tener el castigo de la prohibicià ³n permanente. Por lo tanto, si se està ¡ en uno de esos casos, antes de iniciar el proceso entender bien quà © puede ir mal, en particular, verificar si serà ­a posible pedir un perdà ³n provisional por presencia ilegal   en casos de dureza extrema y que se otorga antes de salir de Estados Unidos. Otra solucià ³n, en el caso de  los familiares indocumentados de ciudadanos americanos que sirven en el  Ejà ©rcito,  Guardia Nacional, Reserva o Veteranos, serà ­a verificar si se puede solicitar un  Parole in Place. Si la mamà ¡ o el papà ¡ està ¡n fuera de USA y no hay causa de inadmisiblidad En estos casos hay dos partes muy bien diferenciadas. Primero el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s) tiene que aprobar la peticià ³n I-130. Y una vez que lo hace envà ­a los papeles al Centro Nacional de Visas (NVC, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). A partir de aquà ­ todavà ­a el proceso se va a demorar unos meses ya que hay que ir entregando al NVC documentacià ³n segà ºn la va pidiendo.   Ademà ¡s, hay que pasar el examen mà ©dico y, finalmente acudir a la entrevista en la Embajada o Consulado. En este punto, algunos son mà ¡s rà ¡pidos que otros, ya que depende del nà ºmero de aplicaciones que tengan y de la cantidad de cà ³nsules destinados en ese puesto. No vender propiedades ni dejar el trabajo hasta que se tiene la aprobacià ³n de la visa de inmigrante. Una vez que se obtiene la aprobacià ³n, esto es, despuà ©s de la entrevista, se dispondrà ¡ de seis meses para ingresar a Estados Unidos. Una vez que se llega a un puerto de entrada migratorio (aeropuerto, puerto o frontera terrestre) un oficial de Inmigracià ³n sella el pasaporte y ese sello equivale a una green card hasta que se recibe una tarjeta fà ­sica por correo. Padre o madre fuera de Estados Unidos y hay causa de inadmisibilidad La tarjeta de residencia se puede negar por mà ¡s de 40 razones. Es lo que se conoce como causas de inadmisibilidad. En estos casos hay un problema que en ocasiones se podrà ¡ solucionar dejando pasar el tiempo o pidiendo y obteniendo un perdà ³n y habrà ¡ casos en los que no serà ¡ posible, a pesar de tener un hijo ciudadano. En muchas ocasiones el problema viene ocasionado por estancia ilegal en Estados Unidos que provoca el castigo de los 3 y de los 10 aà ±os  y/o deportacià ³n. En estos casos lo sensato es consultar con un abogado experto y sincero y analizar si se està ¡ en condiciones de solicitar con à ©xito un perdà ³n, que en algunos paà ­ses se conoce como permiso o waiver.  ¿Cà ³mo se miran los tiempos de procesamiento del USCIS? En esta pà ¡gina oficial se va hasta la parte inferior y se elige el centro de procesamiento que, segà ºn la carta que se recibià ³ del USCIS, es la encargada de decidir sobre el caso.   Elegir el Centro de Servicio correcto (Vermont, Texas, California o Nebraska) y hacer click. Se abre otra pà ¡gina y buscar el documento I-130, peticià ³n para pariente extranjero y buscar la opcià ³n adecuada: peticià ³n de un ciudadano de EE.UU para un cà ³nyuge, un padre o un nià ±o menor de 21 aà ±os. Y ahà ­ se ve el tiempo que se està ¡ demorando en tramitarse. En la actualidad està ¡ en torno a los cinco meses. Despuà ©s, si se ajusta el estatus, se procesa esa parte en otro centro (Oficina de Campo) y se verifica de igual manera cuà ¡nto se demora en esa misma pà ¡gina oficial. Recordar que el documento que hay que buscar es I-485 solicitud para registrar la residencia permanente o para ajustar el estado. Si, por el contrario, es un procedimiento consular, calcular entre otros cinco y siete meses, de media para finalizar el proceso. A dà ­a de hoy, aunque puede haber importantes diferencias segà ºn las oficinas de tramitacià ³n, el proceso de principio a fin deberà ­a tomar menos de un aà ±o. Entre los seis y los doce meses es una estimacià ³n razonable, que va a depender de los lugares de tramitacià ³n. A tener muy en cuenta en peticiones de ciudadanos para sus padres Ademà ¡s de tener 21 aà ±os, es necesario cumplir todos los demà ¡s requisitos para patrocinar, como por ejemplo, tener recursos econà ³micos suficientes. Asimismo, tener presente que en las peticiones del padre o de la madre no se puede incluir a los hermanos del solicitante. Por ejemplo, si un ciudadano pide a su mamà ¡, no puede aà ±adir en la misma planilla a un hijo de esa madre de ninguna edad. Para estas personas la solucià ³n es que el ciudadano realice otra peticià ³n para su hermano, que tarda mucho tiempo o que una vez que la mamà ¡ o el papà ¡ se conviertan en residentes, estos realicen una peticià ³n ese hijo/a. Y, finalmente, los ciudadanos americanos que obtuvieron originalmente sus papeles por medio del programa de Inmigrantes Especiales Juveniles no pueden jamà ¡s pedir los papeles para ninguno de sus padres.   Informacià ³n migratoria confiable Para resolver dudas e inquietudes lo mejor es estar informado directamente por el organismo oficial que lleva un asunto determinado. Para ello se ha recopilado esta lista de telà ©fonos y pà ¡ginas webs a los que acudir para resolver distintos problemas migratorios. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Personal Values And Professional Values - 917 Words

Personal values and professional values run parallel in the social work field. Recognizing and managing your personal values while working with clients is an important task. Concentrating on your professional values is required for a social worker to assist her client to the best of her ability. During my internship there have been a number of cases that I have had to practice managing my personal values. It has gotten a little easier the further I get into my internship recognizing my personal values when it comes to my clients. My social worker and I were called out to an investigation regarding a woman apparently living in a shed with her three children. During the investigation the social worker and I performed a safety checklist of the home (shed). The home did not possess a legal power source, water supply or indoor plumbing. Meanwhile, the checklist was performed within the home, as we stepped into the home, it was determined that the home was not the most conventional home. A lthough this family’s home was less than perfect the social worker and I advocated for the services to help this family stay together. As this investigation came to an end for the day, I talked to my supervisor about the case. I was surprised to learn that due to the fact that the family had access to all the resources their home did not have it was acceptable for the social worker to leave the children with their mother. The social worker informed the client she needed to make some changes toShow MoreRelatedPersonal Values And Professional Ethics1453 Words   |  6 Pagesethical dilemmas in the practice, and the decision-making process requires a separation form the personal values and professional ethics. One conflict that may arise while working with a client is keeping personal feelings and values separated from the professional role. 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Dealing With Physical Abuse Free Essays

The Struggle Physical Abuse Brings People all around the world have suffered from being abused verbally and physically, causing a struggle because they don’t know how to handle these types of situations. In the short story Runaways by Karen Brennan, the main character Lou is physically abused by her husband, which leads Lou to run away, causing problems between friends and family. What are you without loved ones? When you really care about someone you will give an arm and a leg for him or her but once they cross a line they shouldn’t, it feels like the world is supposed to end. We will write a custom essay sample on Dealing With Physical Abuse or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Lou’s situation this is exactly what happened to her. She gave her entire life to her husband and her children. Unfortunately her husband didn’t care about her feelings and cared more about what he wanted than what would keep her happy. Physical abuse in a relationship is a key factor of failing marriages. Lack of communication can lead to physical abuse. Throughout the time that Lou and her husband have been married, they have been through a lot. One thing that might have started all their arguing besides his drinking problem may be that they â€Å"have difficulty talking to each other†(Brennan,501). Lou states, â€Å"My husband didn’t always beat me. In the beginning he was just irresponsible. I could live with that. He drank too much and in the worst times he drove too fast with the babies in the car†(Brennan,501). Lou’s husband beats her so often, she is afraid to go to sleep. When her husband was drunk he became a whole different person, â€Å"he was a maniac when he was drunk†(Brennan,501). â€Å"Its unfair the advantage that men have†(Brennan,501) because woman should be able to stand up for themselves without worrying about what the guys reaction will be. Lou is a woman who will put others before herself. She is a mother of four children and wants everyone happy. For instance, a lot of mothers’ first reaction to their children crying is to beat them and tell them to â€Å"stop whining†. Lou has been beaten by someone she truly loves so why would she want to beat four people she loves unconditionally, her children. Lou states, â€Å"I am not one of those mothers who turns around in the car and swats the kids on the legs and tells them to shut up. I have never believed in that. When they whined, I told stories. I told them about a family who sailed away in an orange balloon†(Brennan,501). Lou had hit her breaking point and had to runaway from her problems. But is running away the answer? Often people who are physically abused turn around and abuse others. For Lou, it was a different story. She was not a young adult who abused her children because her husband abused her. Many people take their anger out on others because it is a way to make themselves feel better. Lou possibly could have felt pressure to raise her four children with her husband being involved. Lou was strong enough and didn’t stay in an abusive relationship just for the children because she knew leaving was the best decision for her at the time. Through all the ups and downs Lou went through with her husband in the end she felt like she was left with nothing. â€Å"a woman without a husband is like an ocean without a sea†(Brennan,500). Its hard being happy if you don’t have the people you cherish most in your life around you. A person can struggle with a bunch of emotions and if you don’t have the support of people that care about you, the situation gets a lot harder. When you are surrounded with people that want the best for you, then you will get though your struggles with someone by your side, not alone. I personally know someone who went through something very similar from what Lou went through. My cousin who is now 25 years old has been dealing with family problems ever since she was about 10 years old. I have heard all these stories about my cousin and her family from my parents. I was always curious and wanted to know what was happening but it was not my place to ask questions because it might be a sensitive topic for her. Her father was a heavy drinker which caused him to be very angry not only friend friends but especially with his family. My cousin Kelley was the youngest of the two kids. She has an older sister who was 4 years older than she is. Night after night her father kept drinking excessively. The family knew what was coming along with his drinking, his anger. One night it got really bad, he yelled at Kelley for the littlest things, things that were not even a big deal. One time, she didn’t wash her plate after dinner because she was too tired and wanted to go to bed. He became highly upset and rushed into her bedroom, slapped her, and told her to get up and clean her plate. Each day he got worse and worse. After a couple years went by Kelley, her mom, and he sister could no longer handle him and his drinking problem. They moved out when he was at work so he could not say anything about it. The girls moved far away and did not tell anyone where they were going because they did not want their father to find out. They knew he would make a big deal about it. Three girls living on their own trying to survive must have been hard. Having a main man in their life was their leading factor to surviving. Without her dad paying for everything and supplying for the family, it’s difficult for the girls. Somehow her father found out where they were and made them come back. They decided to give their father one more chance, thinking that things would be different but they only got worse. He thought they would leave him again so he tried to be more protective which only caused his anger to be worse than it already was. As Kelley matured throughout the years she realized she no longer wanted to have her dad in her life at all so she lost all contact with him. She got her own apartment and did almost all her daily actives on her own. After everything that happened with her dad, she didn’t want to depend on anyone else but herself. This made it difficult for Kelley to keep close friendships with her girlfriends because after her father, she thought that everyone she truly cared about would let her down like he did. Kelley’s fear of having to abandon ones she love caused her to have little friends. She was afraid to trust anyone at all because she believed that friendships and relationships don’t last forever. Later when Kelley became a young adult she realized that she could not go on any longer not having her father in her life and having little friends that she can count on. Being on your own is tough. So Kelley allowed her father to re enter her life but not fully be involved 100%. She realized although she had been through a lot over the years, having her dad around again was exactly what she needed to be happy again. As the years go on, you find out who you need in your life and who you would be okay without. I thought that Lou and my cousin Kelley’s story were similar due to running away from their problems. Although Lou was physically abused and Kelley was verbally abused their problems with the men in their lives bring their two stories together. Not having a close relationship with someone who means the world to you has to be really hard. Especially for Kelley, being so young and thinking you dad would be someone you would look up to as the years went on. Her father ended up being someone she never thought he would be, which had to of been beyond upsetting. As for Lou, the man who has been the love of her life for years now and has children who look up to him is not the type of father they though he was going to be. Its hard putting all your effort into someone and believing they are going to give their best to you and then be let down. Being let down is very hurtful and can cause someone a lot of pain, for instance Lou and Kelley. Although Lou and Kelley did not end with the same feelings at the end of both of their stories they still dealt with the same process. Work Cited Alvarado, Beth, Barbara Cully, and Michael Robinson. â€Å"Runaways. † Writing as Revision. Boston, MA. : Pearson Custom Pub. , 2003. 499-509. Print. How to cite Dealing With Physical Abuse, Essay examples

Tour to India

Question: Discuss about a Report on Tour to India? Answer: About India This summer I got a chance to visit the most multicultural country of the world, India. India was a dream location for me to spend my holidays. A country on diversifying terrain from mountains to desert to beautiful beaches makes it a perfect place to visit. It is land of most diversifies cultures in the world. Kashmir is the most beautiful place on the earth. It was so beautiful that once an Indian leader said that it is the heaven on the earth. The places surrounding the valley were beautiful. The next destination was Leh Ladakh. Ladakh is the only place in the world with the high altitude desert hill station. The Indian capital New Delhi is among the busiest cities in the world. There, visited the India Parliament house, the Red Fort and Raj Ghat. The next destination was Agra where the major attraction was Taj Mahal, the Worlds Wonder and a legend of true eternal love (Harrison, 2006). Then visited the most happening place in India and Bollywood city MUMBAI. The Major attraction of the city was Gateway of India, various temples and Haji Ali Mosque in the sea. There had the most famous pani puri and travelled in famous Local Train. The last destination was GOA. A place full of beaches and historical importance. This was my dream country to visit. Felt so happy to visit somewhere that focus on only your happiness. Wonderful. Just Wonderful (Srivastava Devotta, 2007). References Harrison, J. (2006). The Society's 2006 tour of Southern India. Asian Affairs, 37(2), 220-237. Srivastava, A., Devotta, S. (2007). Indoor Air Quality of Public Places in Mumbai, India in Terms of Volatile Organic Compounds. Environmental Monitoring And Assessment, 133(1-3), 127-138.

Friday, May 1, 2020

English Literature and Composition Essay Example For Students

English Literature and Composition Essay Laughter occurs frequently throughout One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey. Not only is laughter used to create a lighter feel throughout parts of the book, but it is an important part of many characters’ development. Through the use of diction, figurative language, and syntax, Kesey illustrates the theme that laughter is the ultimate cure.  Through diction, Kesey is able to demonstrate the healing power laughter has. As the boys go out on the boat, they’re all running frantically around the ship, yet McMurphy is â€Å"just laughing† (Kesey 248). The use of the absolute â€Å"just† helps add significance to the laughter in the scene. By â€Å"just† laughing, McMurphy is demonstrating himself the healing power that laughter has. He isn’t focusing on any problems, of his own or of the other patients, and he’s displaying his personality and identity by laughing. McMurphy’s laughter is just the start of the healing process for all of the boys. McMurphy’s laughter quickly becomes contagious to the boys, and â€Å"Harding is collapsed beside McMurphy and is laughing†¦.and Sefelt and the doctor, and all† (250). The repetition of the word â€Å"and† is extremely significant. As Chief uses the word â€Å"and† to continue adding on to the list of people who are laughing, he is adding people on to a list of the people who are beginning their personal healing process and finding themselves again. With every person that joins in on the laughter, the more effective and powerful the healing power of the laughter is. The immense amounts of laughter boost the boys’ confidence and help bring back their personalities. The laughter â€Å"swell the men bigger and bigger† (250), not only building them up in that moment, but permanently. As the laughter continues, each man on the boat regains his sense of being and who he is as a person. Simply by laughing, the boys re-establish who they are as people, and cure themselves of their loss of identity. The use of figurative language is another technique used to present the theme that laughter is the ultimate cure. As McMurphy laughs, it’s so genuine that he â€Å"spread his laugh out across the water† (250). While his laugh doesn’t actually spread out across the water, it’s so hearty and full that it can’t help but consume the atmosphere. By spreading his laugh out, McMurphy also distributes it out to each of the boys on the boat. His laughter quickly leads to theirs, which becomes their ultimate healing tool. The overwhelming spread of laughter takes over all the boys, and they â€Å"swing a laughter that rang out on the water in ever-widening circles†¦in wave after wave after wave† (250). The powerful spread of their laughter indicates the growth of their individuality. Just as the laughter spreads across the ocean, the regaining of identity spreads across the entire ship, curing all of the boys from their entrapment an inability to be themselves. As Chief laughs, he feels as if he is â€Å"off the boat, blown up off the water†¦high above myself† (250). Chief feeling as if he is lifted above himself represents how he is finally lifted out of the trap of his lost identity. With laughter, he is cured of his confinement to conformity and is able to discover his true self again. Syntax is also used to demonstrate how laughter is an ultimate cure. All of the boys are having a difficult time on the boat at first, and they all ask for help, â€Å"And McMurphy was just laughing† (248). By separating the phrase â€Å"And McMurphy was just laughing†, a larger emphasis is placed on the idea of laughter. By stating that McMurphy was simply laughing, Kesey is demonstrating the idea that laughter is simply an enjoyable moment that requires nothing more than being one’s self. McMurphy standing there laughing is the start of the release for the boys, which leads to their healing later on the boat. .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b , .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .postImageUrl , .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b , .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:hover , .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:visited , .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:active { border:0!important; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:active , .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua90d14c187a013aae1f044a08da27a0b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Dramatic Devices EssayAs chaos escalates, everyone becomes even more frantic, â€Å"While McMurphy laughs† (249). Once again, Kesey separates McMurphy’s laughter from the passage because it is the true factor in the healing of the boys. McMurphy’s laugh is so significant in the healing process for every single boy, and by allowing the concept of McMurphy’s laughter stand alone, it brings more emphasis onto how important of a role his laughter plays in the ultimate curing of the boys. Syntax is also used to describe how McMurphy views his life and how â€Å"he won’t let the pain blot out the humor no more’n he’ll let the hum or blot out the pain† (250). The use of the chiasmus makes it evident that even though McMurphy is suffering just as the other boys are, he won’t let it ruin who he is and what he enjoys in life. The realization by Chief that McMurphy’s laughter is his way of keeping his identity helps Chief and the other boys use laughter to find their own identities, which leads to them being cured of their loss of individuality.  By presenting laughter frequently throughout the novel, Kesey demonstrates the idea that laughter is important to one’s identity. By using various literary techniques such as diction, figurative language, and syntax, the theme that laughter is the ultimate cure becomes widely applicable to the novel.